Saturday, 14 November 2015

Bishop's message after Paris Terrorism (from the Diocese website)

Bishop David has written to the churches saying:

 "Dear sisters and brothers,

Once again violence and terrorism have struck France and the world is in shock.  The numbers of dead and injured in the attacks across Paris must make this one of the deadliest of such crimes.

Across the diocese this weekend we will be praying for the people of Paris at this time of national mourning, distress and fear. We pray for all who have died that our Loving God will welcome them into his arms. We pray that God will comfort all who grieve, as well as the injured and the fearful.

And we pray that terrorism may be overcome and violent hearts turned to paths of peace.

In the face of hatred we pray that we may show forth love, and in this time of despair we remember our calling to be lights in a darkened world.


May the peace of the Lord be with you."

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